only the obtuse are unappreciative of paradox

Friday, February 19, 2010

You Should Probably Wear a Helmet

If everyone else around you gets sick, why does the sickness wait until the least opportune moment to strike you down? Either way, I'm just going to keep downing vitamin C like there's no tomorrow and hope for the best. because really, that's the most I can do. Yesterday was an extremely long and exhausting day. I missed my friend's intimate party and I feel bad, but i really couldn't go out into this weather, not if i'm serious about trying to fight off this cold. and yes, i am serious. I have some heavy duty cleaning to do in my flat before people get here. I borrowed a friend's vacuum and even bought a swiffer wet jet thing. I hope it works. I also have a ton, literally, of CRV recycling in my garage that my roommates and i are going to try to get to a recycling center today. There's also a washing machine that really needs to go go go! Sunset Scavenger, come eat my garbage!

My coworker got hit by a car while riding her bike.
for the second time in the past seven months
she should probably wear a helmet

My birthday is in 2 days!

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